The Web

I loved myself.

I loved my hair,

My body,


I loved the way I cared,

The way my mother taught me.

I looked at the mirror happy

With what I saw

Flashed a pearly smile

Didn’t want anymore.

Loved how I lived

The plants and trees

In my heart I held dear,

My family, friends and pets

Kept my heart from fear.

But there was a darkness

A poison that lurked behind

One I didn’t see

Never jumped out at me

But kept it’s distance

Knowing my weakness

Watching my stillness

Somehow made me cry.

You see, I see a pool online

A pool of happiness

Everything is divine.

So many happy faces

Extravagant places

Picture perfect bodies

Photogenic smiles

Surrounded by so many people

They all call “friends”

All except for I.

But to let you know

I have travelled the world

More places you can imagine

Tried more foods

Than there are pictures

I just don’t flaunt it like the rest.

Sometimes I just lay in bed

Wishing my life was on the web

And people can see

How happy I am

Everyday, the beauty in me

Until I start scrolling

Through Instagram.

-Kitty Leahy

Dream on

Blue sky

Pink clouds,

Black tie

White gowns,

Love that we thought we had

Nothing but in our own imaginative minds.

The fulfilling yet hollow feeling that drove us mad

Each other was it or ourselves we had to find?

Was it the film The Titanic that made me feel this way?

Or maybe it is because I read Julliet and Romeo?

As Shakespeare said, “Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?”

I answer, “please, no.”

-K. L

A poem by Me.

All I have to write is a pink blunt pencil

No words or letters to stencil

Real thoughts that become physical and expressed

What many desire

Heard to be heard

Like the rest

Of which that live in the past

Best left to as dust

Is to dust as ashes is to ashes,

Adam and Eve

To please oneself

Eating a fruit from the tree

Exposing the truth one not believed


Only to be.

-Kitty Leahy